About wembet5_wp

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So far wembet5_wp has created 117 blog entries.

Wharton to Wendell

In light of the exhibition “Wharton to Wendell” at the new Modernism Museum Mount Dora in Florida, celebrating the work of Wharton

Wharton to Wendell2021-04-26T16:49:34-04:00

A Lasting Friendship

Portrait of Wharton Esherick by Henry Varnum Poor, 1932. Oil on canvas, Wharton Esherick Museum collection We'd like to apologize

A Lasting Friendship2024-05-17T15:26:37-04:00

A Turkey Tale

Turkey Gobbler Land. Click image to enlarge. Early in his career, Wharton frequented Philadelphia's Centaur Bookshop.  He collaborated with the

A Turkey Tale2018-05-15T22:01:21-04:00

The Artist, the Poet, and the Centaur

Eighty eight years ago, in 1924, Philadelphia's Centaur Press published Walt Whitman's The Song of the Broad-Axe, illustrated with woodcuts by Wharton

The Artist, the Poet, and the Centaur2021-12-23T13:15:56-05:00

June – Volunteer Spotlight

The Wharton Esherick Museum would be nothing without our volunteers. We depend on them to give tours, maintain the landscape and to

June – Volunteer Spotlight2018-05-15T22:10:08-04:00
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