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Have you had a chance to see Wharton Esherick’s carved antique chest on view in our Visitor Center as part of the Movement is Life exhibition? Join us on Tuesday, May 28th at noon for a deep dive into this 18th century chest that Wharton breathed new life into with his carved depictions of his farmhouse home, Sunekrest. We’ll be discussing everything from Pennsylvania German blanket chests, Esherick’s depictions of Sunekrest, and the quirky new feet Esherick added as he was beginning to work with wood in new ways!

This is a free online event; advance reservations are required. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the conversation. Please register below to receive instructions on how to join us! If able, please consider a $5 donation to support our ongoing programs. Donate HERE.


Register Form- May 28 Spotlight Talk: Wharton Esherick’s Carved Blanket Chest


We look forward to seeing you there!

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