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Join us for a conversation with Jennifer-Navva Milliken, Artistic Director at the Center for Art in Wood in Philadelphia and the co-curator, along with artist Silas Kopf, of Out of Bounds: The Art of Croquet, now on view at the Center through October 24, 2021. We’ll spend time talking about this “striking” exhibition of artist-made mallets and balls and how it explores the game and its place in culture and society. We’ll also look at the Esherick print and block included in the exhibition alongside these contemporary works, and talk with Milliken about her curatorial career, especially her vision for how the Center approaches art in wood in the twenty-first century. 


Jennifer-Navva Milliken is the artistic leader of the Center for Art in Wood and is responsible for creating and executing the exhibition schedule, facilitating the annual Windgate ITE International Residency program, maintaining the integrity of the museum collection and research library, and overseeing the Center’s publishing and documentation activities. Before coming to the Center in May 2018, she worked as an independent curator and consultant, following her tenure as the Curator of Craft and Design and the interim curatorial director at the Bellevue Arts Museum [BAM].  Before joining BAM, she established INTER ALIA projects, a curatorial enterprise based in Tel Aviv, Israel, and New York, NY. In addition to her time at BAM, she has been an embedded staff member at a number of cultural institutions and museums, among them the Museum of Arts & Design (MAD), New York, and The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. She serves on the board of the Furniture Society and is a member of the International Council of Museums. 

Pictured: Katie Hudnall, Eye Mallet and Ball, 2020, Salvaged wood, polychrome, lacquer, wax


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