About wembet5_wp

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So far wembet5_wp has created 117 blog entries.

The Philadelphia Inquirer Covers Poplar Culture

Here is an article published in Friday's Philadelphia Inquirer.  This has been re-posted via their website:  http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/153719405.html Thank you to Victoria Donohoe

The Philadelphia Inquirer Covers Poplar Culture2018-05-15T22:12:01-04:00

May in Bloom: Peonies

One of the eagerly anticipated annual events at the Studio is the blooming of Wharton’s peony garden.  Each year in late April

May in Bloom: Peonies2018-05-15T22:15:47-04:00

April-Volunteer Spotlight

"The Archival process has been a very enjoyable, interesting and informative process for me. I have gained valuable knowledge about archiving while receiving a deeper understanding and appreciation of Esherick’s life and work." -Julia Dougherty

WEM would be nothing without our volunteers. We depend on them to give tours, maintain the landscape and to archive the collection.

This month's volunteer of the month is Julia Dougherty.

Julia is a graduate student pursuing a Masters degree in Museum Communications at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia.  She is an Archival Intern at the Museum, where she organizes, houses and catalogs our collection of photographs. These pictures range from photographs of Esherick’s work, his studio, himself and his family, and in the upcoming months she hopes to digitally catalog all of the photos in the collection. 

Julia's work will allow scholars easier access to information and more secure documentation.  I enjoy working in the fun, relaxed atmosphere at the Wharton Esherick Museum and hope to apply my new skills in future endeavors.


April-Volunteer Spotlight2018-05-15T22:13:58-04:00

Winter at the Wharton Esherick Museum

Unpredictable winter weather makes scheduling tours in advance a little tricky, so every January and February the Museum closes its doors to

Winter at the Wharton Esherick Museum2018-05-15T22:21:02-04:00

I was invited

This fall one of our visitors wrote this poem after her visit and has graciously allowed us to share it with you. 

I was invited2018-05-15T22:30:04-04:00

Blogging for Wharton

Congratulations you've found us!  We are the first official blog dedicated to the wondrous woodworking of Wharton Esherick and the happenings at

Blogging for Wharton2018-05-15T22:28:50-04:00
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