Wharton Esherick and the Tropical Hardwood Trade
Wharton Esherick’s work was well-traveled in his day. Selections of the artist’s work often went to New York venues like
Wharton Esherick’s Camp Tables
This spring we opened our doors with Movement is Life, an exhibition exploring the influence of modernist dance communities
Wharton Esherick’s Notes on Thoreau
In the biography Wharton Esherick: The Journey of a Creative Mind, Mansfield Bascom notes that Esherick was introduced
A Playful Dispute: The Bok Music Room Hinged Painting
In 1935, Wharton Esherick began work on his largest commission, the Curtis Bok house. Approached initially by Curtis Bok to
Letty Esherick’s Bookplate: Resizing a Print in Esherick’s Day
Today, we can digitally manipulate the size of an image with the simple click and drag of our computer mouse
Supporting Artists in the WEM Store
In Nat Rubinson’s words, “Artists can be the loneliest people in the world – sitting there with a blank canvas