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Wharton Esherick was an impish storyteller, prone to knocking facts askew. The tilted tales that he told about himself speak to his humanity, and in this way, ring true. Join us while we delve into the WEM oral history archive to hear from Wharton in his own words. During this 20-minute program, we’ll listen to excerpts from interviews he did between 1968 and 1970. In them, he recollects his life on Valley Forge Mountain, including the construction of his iconic Studio. These tape-recorded stories witness Wharton’s wit and more—his sense of who he was.

This is a free online event; advance reservations are required. Please register below to receive instructions on how to join us! If able, please consider a $5 donation to support our ongoing programs. Donate HERE.


Register Form- Feb 14 Spotlight Talk- Wharton Esherick's Tilted Tales


We look forward to seeing you there!

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