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Join us as we take a dive into Esherick’s richly stocked library! Esherick was friends with a number of notable modernist writers such as Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Ford Maddox Ford, and Jean Toomer. Esherick also partook in modernist literary circles through his work with the Centaur Press in Philadelphia and communities like Fairhope, Alabama. Esherick’s book collection reflects his tastes, interests, and the times he lived. What books was Esherick collecting, reading, marking up, and lending out? How did the books Esherick surrounded himself with inform his life and work? In this 20-minute program we’ll crack a few spines to peek into particular books, and take a wider scope to consider the subjects and types of writing represented in the artist’s collection.

This is a free online event; advance reservations are required. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the conversation. Please register below to receive instructions on how to join us! If able, please consider a $5 donation to support our ongoing programs. Donate HERE.


Register Form- Feb 20 Spotlight Talk: Unpacking Esherick's Library


We look forward to seeing you there!

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