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It’s fair to say we know Wharton best in wood, but what can we learn about him and his network from the various sculptures he had replicated in other materials such as bronze, aluminum, stone, and plaster? Join us as we take a closer look at Wharton Esherick’s sculpture cast in metal. In this 20-minute program, we examine Esherick’s working relationship with the Modern Art Foundry in Queens, New York during the 1960s, and the technical process this foundry used to reproduce the artist’s wood sculptures in bronze. Along the way, we’ll look at letters, bills, order forms, and other archival finds that can teach us about Wharton Esherick through another material: metal.

This is a free online event; advance reservations are required. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the conversation. Please register below to receive instructions on how to join us! If able, please consider a $5 donation to support our ongoing programs. Donate HERE.


Register Form- September 19 Spotlight Talk- Now, That's Metal!


We look forward to seeing you there!

Image: Speed cast in aluminum by Wharton Esherick, 1932.

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