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Join us as we highlight the season of giving with a few gifts Esherick created for friends and family – and a few given to him as well! In this fun 20-minute program, we’ll take a look at the array of gifts present in the Studio and the stories of personal connections and friendships held with these objects. We’ll also take a deeper dive into a couple of gifts that often spark curiosity on tour, from Esherick’s sculpture The Race to the pair of Buddhist Quan Yin statues Esherick displayed in his home.

This is a free online event; advance reservations are required. Please register below to receive instructions on how to join us! If able, please consider a $5 donation to support our ongoing programs. Donate HERE.


[contact-form-7 id=”10462″ title=”Register Form – December 16 Spotlight Talk Gifts”]


We look forward to seeing you there!

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