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Join us in celebrating Imprint 2024, WEM’s annual high school printmaking competition! During the program, we’ll discuss a selection of Esherick prints that exemplify his unique ability to capture movement and rhythm in his work. From Rhythms (1922), pictured here, to The Hammersmen (1924), Esherick was truly masterful at creating vibrant, rhythmic worlds with his prints.  Alongside Esherick’s prints and remarks from our guest jurors, Katie Garth and Nikki Gilliam, we’ll take a look at a few of our Imprint prizewinners for the unique ways these students took on the theme of rhythms in their own works!

Over the course of Esherick’s life, woodcut printmaking proved a critical medium in his artistic development. Through his explorations in printmaking, Esherick transitioned from a young painter to an internationally-recognized artist and furniture designer. Now in its 16th year, the Imprint program encourages new generations of young artists to share their voices and vision in this dynamic medium. 


Register Form- April 14- Imprint 2024 Virtual Reception


We look forward to seeing you there!

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